G'day followers.
It's been a while since an update. I have developed a web surfing habit now that I'm far from Downunder.
I wanted to share with you some excellent websites that I drop by regularly.
This site has been around for many years and has built a solid reputation for bringing 'up to date' reviews and articles on the cinema and home entertainment industry.
Facebook for the latest updates! www.facebook.com/bigpicturebigsound
Many know this logo and many have no idea who they are. THX was developted by Tomlinson Homan at George Lucas's company Lucasfilm in 1983. This was because the master Lucas was increasingly let down by the quality of presentation in cinemas of his first two Star Wars movies.
THX is now a world re-known company for their innovation and long standing industry presence. I highly recommend frequenting this site and keeping up on the latest news!
Facebook THX!! www.facebook.com/pages/THX-Ltd/181603076929
If you are a Pro photographer, Hobbiest like me, or ever take a photo with a camera (or smartphone) then you have to check out this website. An extremely educational and interesting resource. Charming, well presented and always entertaining. This is not just a website but a community of people who all love photography!
This is one site you have to join on FACEBOOK!
Daily updates, live video photography critiques with users and Jarred!
I hope this has been somewhat helpful and will help you waste many hours at work.
Cheers Joe
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